A beautiful arrangement of mixed roses and mini-roses, lilies, and stock flowers, accompanied by assorted eucalyptus. Presented in...
Roses, gerberas, and assorted greenery, on a ceramic vase and decorative detail. Rosas, gerberas y follaje diverso, en...
With a mix of vibrant 18 roses and sunflowers, this arrangement is perfect for any occasion. Bring a...
Designed with a stunning cluster of roses, lilies, and dendrobiums, this arrangement creates a harmonious blend of colors...
Our one-of-a-kind arrangement showcasing 12 gorgeous roses, graceful lilies, and sweet-smelling stock blooms, all set off by lush...
Give someone special the experience of having this vibrant and exotic mix of roses, lilies, calla lilies, bird...
Peonies, stock flowers, assorted greenery, on a glass vase. Peonías, alhelíes, follaje diverso, en base de vidrio.
A heart shaped box full of 30 fragrant roses, carefully arranged and nestled. It's a gift that will...
This stunning spiral arrangement features 2 tones of delicate roses and mini roses, stock flowers and green mini-hydrangeas...
This beautiful and curvy arrangement features a variety of flowers, including roses, lilies, orchids, and stock flowers, complemented...
Express your love in a luxurious way with this stunning bouquet that features a combination of 24 red...
This stunning arrangement features a mix of 15 roses, hydrangeas, alstroemelias, and orchids, accented with an assortment of...


GLV-14 - Fresh Garden Bouquet






GLV-16 - Roses and Sunflowers Delight



GLV-17 - Harmony Bouquet



GLV-18 - 12 Roses, Lilies and Stocks Arrangement



GLV-19 - Exotic Love Mix



GLV-20 - Peonies Mix



GLV-21 - My Heart in a Box



GLV-22 - Spiraling in Love



GLV-23 - Curvy and Beautiful



GLV-25 - Deluxe Arrangement



GLV-27 - Orange You Loved


Showing: 13-24 of 120